a whale of


a whale of something


  • very big (piece) of something
  • exceptionally large of something
  • great amount of something often unusually done
  • It can be referred to anything that has been big, even fun time.

Example Sentences

  1. That birthday party was super fun, all the children had a whale of a time there.
  2. The story book was a whale of fun.
  3. In Bollywood they generally make a whale of a movie. It encompasses song and dance sequences too.
  4. To say no to this party would be to refuse a whale of time. It has amongst the best food and drinks in the region.
  5. How could she have such a whale of a time at the movies when her son is so far away?
  6. He completed this whale of a task all by himself. Everyone in the office was surprised, including the boss.
  7. There is a whale of a difference in calling someone their friend and treating them like that.
  8. This picnic spot can be enjoyed thoroughly only if you are here with your family and have a whale of a time to spend here.

A Whale of something is to mean big of something, based on the size of the Whale. The origin of this phrase is unavailable.

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