Idioms beginning with G

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get a life

Meaning: to stop wasting a lot of time in useless or boring or trivial works

Example: You are working over 100 hours a week, dude, get a life! Read more ➺

get through

Meaning: to make it to the end of a particularly arduous or stressful experience

Example: I didn't think we would get through the last week of exams. Read more ➺

get to know

Meaning: receiving the information

Example: It took me a while to get to know my in-laws and understanding their lifestyle. Read more ➺

green with envy

Meaning: extremely jealous of another person

Example: Sally was green with envy when he saw my brand new car. Read more ➺

get the wrong end of the stick

Meaning: to understand something in the wrong way

Example: When Jack and Taylor arrived at the award function together, everyone got the wrong end of the stick. Read more ➺

good grief

Meaning: occurrence of something shocking

Example: Good grief, is she going to kick her brother in front of the entire school? This is really shocking for me. Read more ➺

sleep tight

Meaning: an affectionate way of wishing someone a good night's sleep

Example: I am going to bed now. Good night, sleep tight. Read more ➺

go with the flow

Meaning: to do what other peopleĀ are doing in any particular situation

Example: Kevin didn't want to be part of the protest, but all his friends wanted to stand for something, so he chose to go with the flow. Read more ➺

get your goat

Meaning: irritate somebody

Example: She got my goat the moment she said my mother was no good at parenting. Read more ➺

get off

Meaning: to leave a place in order to start a journey

Example: If we get off before five o'clock the traffic will not be as bad. Read more ➺
