son of a gun
son of a gun
- to address someone in an affectionate way
- to call someone in a jocular or appreciative manner
Example Sentences
- The son of a gun managed to pass all the subjects this time along! I am so happy!
- I know a son of a gun who will take care of this problem for you.
- That son of a gun has a mean streak and a pure heart.
- The son of a gun did wonderfully well at arranging this party and ensuring that everybody has a great time.
- You son of a gun! You did all this for me?
- He is such a son of a gun to have travelled so far to see us.
- You son of a gun! Come here and give your uncle a hug!
The phrase is an exclamatory noun which can be used as a compliment or to encourage someone. It has been used as a slang to refer to someone since the 1800’s and probably originated from the mafia world where a son of a gun could literally mean the boss’s offspring. The noun is still in use to refer to someone who is an ally. In 2014, a film was titled by this phrase.
Share your opinions2 Opinions
Marty, in that case (and in many cases) it was presumably used as a more family friendly replacement for “son of a b***h”, lol
‒ Banana March 17, 2023
My dad always said this in a mad way when I was a little girl, does this mean anything?
‒ Marty DL February 24, 2023