sense of humour


sense of humour


  • the ability to enjoy funniness
  • to see the funny side of a situation instead of always being serious
  • the ability to make light of something

Example Sentences

  1. I appreciate the fact that you have a sense of humour, but we need to be serious now.
  2. His sense of humour often gets in the way of getting the job done.
  3. Peter has a very dry sense of humour.
  4. His sense of humour always lightens up my day.
  5. After being moved to the California I realised that people here have a bit less sense of humour.
  6. Your brother is pretty calm guy with an amazing sense of humour.
  7. She is looking for a life partner who has a good sense of humor.
  8. My husband has really nice sense of humour which I find very amusing.
  9. Developing a good sense of humour might be helpful to impress the girls.
  10. Because of Robert’s great sense of humor, he has got the double promotion in lately.


The word humour is derived from the Old French word “humour” meaning liquid. It has been used since the 14th century to describe bodily fluids present in humans or animals.

In medieval physiology it was thought that the four fluids in the body (blood, phlegm, choler, and bile) determined the person’s state of mind. Thus, if all of the fluids were well balanced then you were determined to be in a good state of mind.

The current use of the phrase was first recorded in the 1680s. It can be deduced that the person would find something amusing if they were in the right state of mind. The word “sense” insinuates that the person is able to perceive that there is humour in the situation.

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