Reader Opinions

Per Larholm – (nightmare dressed like a daydream) June 9, 2024

Danish version : Et mareridt klædt som en dagdrøm.

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W – (yes man) June 5, 2024

Please elaborate on your version of Julius Caesar’s death by lion attack because it conflicts with the historically consistant historical version (ambushed by senators who stabbed him to death – ‘Ides of March’ refers to the event in question)

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Lacey – (if it’s the last thing I do) June 2, 2024

Another is “by hook or by crook”

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Samuel Sesay – (let your heart rule your head) May 30, 2024

How can my head rule my heart so that I won’t make the wrong decisions?

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Rambunctious Pidcock – (full of beans) May 19, 2024

So, people said horses were full of prunes after they fed the horses with beans? Then later corrected themselves. Hmmm.

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Philip Mc Lean – (dressed to kill) May 15, 2024

Wonder if dressed to kill may come from the Mafia when they usually wear a shirt and tie to snub someone out in a fancy restaurant? Probably not but possible I suppose !

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Edward Norman – (raining cats and dogs) May 15, 2024

It absolutely did not come from dogs and cats hiding in thatched roofs being washed out by heavy rains. This could only have been surmised by someone that had no idea how tightly thatched roofs were woven. Think about it. If cats and dogs could hide in thatched roofs they wouldn’t keep out even the lightest rain.

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Andrew – (put your foot in it) May 7, 2024

Donna’s offensive vernacular spelling aside, I think the use of this idiom for food cooked well is used in irony, not referring to how a dog eats. Similar to telling a waitress that the food was so bad, I had to make it disappear.

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Mike – (on the line) April 3, 2024

O don’t see any rational argument that would be more convincing or intuitive than this being a gambling term. Blackjack or Craps, for instance, where you put the money you are gambling literally in the line drawn on the table to show that it is in play.

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JJ – (fight like cat and dog) April 2, 2024

No one says, “like cat and dog,” even if the idiom is being applied to individuals. People say, “The married couple fought like cats and dogs the entire time they were together.” That’s just how it is.

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