drive up the wall
drive up the wall
- to make someone angry or irritated
- to annoy someone
- infuriate someone
- to make someone irrational
Example Sentences
- This stagnant traffic and constant honking is driving me up the wall.
- The loud music played by my neighbours is driving me up the wall.
- This question is driving me up the wall. Try as I may, I cannot find the right answer.
- He quit his job because his boss’ constant criticism was driving him up the wall.
- His tuneless singing and drumming on the table drives me up the wall.
- The pointless discussion about which religion is better nearly drove me up the wall.
- He left the party early because all the silly chatter was driving him up the wall.
- He was driven up the wall by his flat mate’s frequent late night parties.
This phrase refers to someone trying to escape something something by climbing up a wall. It is not known when it was first used.
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