up a blind alley


up a blind alley


  • to be doing something that will definitely have a negative outcome
  • to be headed towards doom
  • to be headed towards certain failure

Example Sentences

  1. The trip was up a blind alley it seems because the travel agent could not even jot down a proper itinerary. I wonder why they booked a holiday with such a shady company anyway.
  2. I wonder if the marriage was up a blind alley from the very beginning.
  3. The exam was up a blind alley for me this time because I just did not have the time to study after working two jobs.
  4. She is headed up a blind alley being in a relationship with him.
  5. I cannot simply watch my children walk up a blind alley.
  6. The country has walked up a blind alley after having chosen a presidential candidate such as this one. He has a rubbish track record and an unnecessary mean streak.


The phrase which refers to no pass through from an alley was first used in 1583 by Richard Stanyhurst which was a literal reference to an alley. Its figurative form was used in the 1900’s. The first literary use of the same was in the year 1874.

See also

Share your opinions1 Opinion

I never considered “up a blind alley” to mean doom or failure. To me, it has always meant that the result of a decision is unknown. Perhaps because due to circumstances it is impossible to estimate the outcome, or maybe because the person didn’t do their due diligence before acting on their decision.

‒ Tom January 1, 2023

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