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drag feet (or heels)

Meaning: to do something slowly because you do not want to do it.

Example: I suspect the government is dragging its heels over this issue. Read more ➺

day of reckoning

Meaning: a time when people are punished for their past mistakes.

Example: The reckless behavior of drug-taking college students went unabated until the day of reckoning came—they were all sent home. Read more ➺

comes to the crunch

Meaning: in a critical moment or crucial time, or in a tight corner.

Example: I’m ready to resign due to this if it comes to the crunch. Read more ➺

come full circle

Meaning: completion of the cycle.

Example: I was wearing such a dress some 40 years ago. Fashion's wheel has come full circle. Read more ➺

24/7 (twenty-four-seven)

Meaning: constantly

Example: Kincaid said the center will be open 24/7 and will employ 30 people. Read more ➺

sleep on

Meaning: postpone making a choice until the following day.

Example: Please don't sleep on that talent. It will take you places! Read more ➺

day in, day out

Meaning: every day, without respite.

Example: They had to endure the city's dirt and noise day in, day outRead more ➺

in short order

Meaning: immediately and without difficulty.

Example: The children got ready in short order to go to the park and play. Read more ➺

from cradle to grave

Meaning: The phrase is used to refer to something that spans a human lifetime.

Example: He was a difficult man; from the cradle to the grave, he was constantly angry or upset. Read more ➺

blast from the past

Meaning: a way to refer to something or someone reminding you of an earlier time.

Example: What a blast from the past! I haven't heard that song in years. Read more ➺
