stormy relationship


have a stormy relationship


  • a relationship with many disagreements
  • a relationship with frequent quarrels
  • a relationship with a lot of arguments and shouting
  • an unpredictable but sometimes passionate relationship

Example Sentences

  1. After having a very stormy relationship for around two years, they decided to separate.
  2. Sometimes two people of opposite personalities are attracted to each other, but they usually have a very stormy relationship.
  3. He had a very stormy relationship with his boss, and so decided to look for a new job.
  4. The couple down the street in our neighbourhood have a very stormy relationship, and you can hear them shouting and arguing heatedly almost every day.
  5. After having watched her best friend go through an ugly divorce, Martha said she was glad that she did not have a stormy relationship with her husband.
  6. During the first few years of their marriage, they used to have a very stormy relationship, but over the time, they made the effort to understand each other and now they are the very supportive of each other.
  7. Sam and Sally had a very stormy relationship – they had frequent disagreements and were always arguing.
  8. Instead of carrying on with this stormy relationship, why don’t you call it off?

The origin of this phrase is not known.

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