Idioms beginning with Q
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Meaning: well spent time
Example: It had been so long since we went on a vacation but this last month we decided to spend quality time with the family regardless. Read more ➺
Meaning: standard rules of polite or acceptable behavior
Example: It was ensured by the police that both the parties adhered to the Queensberry rules during their hearing session in the high court. Read more ➺
Meaning: on the alert or lookout.
Example: Their duty requires most of the soldiers to be on the qui vive at the Siachen of Kashmir India battlefield. Read more ➺
Meaning: to make a significant improvement or dramatic advancement
Example: The store has taken a quantum leap from where it was and seems to be headed strongly in the right direction. Read more ➺
Meaning: to use a phrase which has been coined by someone else but saying it in disbelief.
Example: She wants to practice law because it is a quote – respected – unquote - field. Read more ➺
Meaning: spoil somebody's chance of doing something.
Example: He queered my pitch by asking for promotion before I did. Read more ➺