make a long story short


make a long story short


  1. cut a long story short
  2. long story short

Meaning | Synonyms

  • abbreviate a long explanation into a short one
  • get to the point
  • give only the basic facts instead of a full explanation
  • give a short version or only the conclusion of a long story
  • leave out details of a long winded narration

Example Sentences

  1. To make a long story short, he still stays in the apartment but now it is owned by someone else.
  2. To make a long story short, they decided to get back together for the sake of the kid and are now doing pretty good.
  3. Long story short, he got back his job and the company fired his manager for corrupt practices.
  4. To cut a long story short, I was stranded on the highway with no means of transportation when an old friend of mine happened to be passing by.
  5. Long story short, despite all the opposition, they finally got married and are now happy together.
  6. To cut a long story short, it was a horrific experience but we managed to get through it in one piece.


It is not known where the phrase originated from. The idea of abbreviating a story has been around for centuries. However, this particular phrase seems to have been in use since the 1800s.

One of the first examples of the phrase being used in print is from 1857. Henry David Thoreau used a variation of it in a letter:

“Not that the story need to be long, but it will take a long time to make it short.”

It is not known exactly where the phrase came from but it is easy to assume that it has to do with cutting out unnecessary information that is often found in stories or books. People also use the phrase “to cut a long story short.” It has the same meaning as the original phrase and can be used instead. The latter phrase is most often used by British speakers.

People also use a play on the phrase, “to make a short story long” to introduce a story that is rife with unnecessary information in order to make it more interesting.

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