in due course


in due course


  • quite soon in the future
  • something that cannot be done presently but will happen at the right time
  • in the typical or appropriate sequence (of events)
  • not before the right time in future
  • eventually – in a reasonable period of time

Example Sentences

  1. All candidates will be informed of our decision in due course.
  2. The students will receive the notification of the exam in due course.
  3. In due course, this tiny plant will grow into a huge tree.
  4. The stolen statue will be transported to Nepal from the US in due course.
  5. The investigator will provide further information in due course.
  6. The Company intends to respond in due course.


“Course” comes from Latin cursus that means – a journey; a running; direction; the flow of a stream; track navigated by a ship.”

Geoffrey Chaucer, an English poet and author of the Middle Ages, used the phrase ‘in due time‘ in the late 1300s.

A similar use of “course” in the famous beginning of the American Declaration of Independence (1776):

“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands …”

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