dog days


dog days
also, dog days of summer


  • hot, sultry days.
  • hottest days of summer.

Example Sentences

  1. During the dog days of summer, people prefer to remain indoors and go out as little as possible.
  2. It is advisable to drink lots of water and eat food that cools you down during the dog days.
  3. We don’t expect much of the repair work to be done during the dog days.
  4. During the dog days of summer, I always plan a long vacation to the cooler climes of the mountains.
  5. Once, we went on a hike during the dog days. It was a tough task, but it tested our endurance to the limit.
  6. The village lies in the hottest part of the country, and during the dog days of summer, the little stream that runs through it dries up completely.


This phrase originated from the belief of early Romans, Greeks, or Egyptians that the hot summer days were caused by the Earth’s proximity to the dog star Sirius during the summer months. The Romans referred to the late summer period as dies caniculares, meaning dog star days.

See also: dog days of summer

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