de facto


de facto


  • existing in fact
  • although not necessarily intended
  • legal or accepted
  • in reality or fact
  • actually

Example Sentences

  1. English is de facto the common language of much of the world today.
  2. Ronny has established himself as the de facto leader of the party.
  3. The common language used throughout the world is de facto English
  4. She is known to be de facto cruel with how she murders her victims.
  5. I have worked hard is proving that I am the de facto leader of the company.
  6. The pub operates in this area de facto but no one know where they are exactly put up.
  7. A de facto state of war is not something that our neighbours can afford right now.
  8. The de facto law is that not one person is to litter in this society.
  9. The area president has announced a de facto benefit scheme for people who buy a property here.


A de facto situation is one which exists or is true although it has not been officially accepted or agreed (always before noun).


The phrase originates from Latin and the meaning is a literal translation. It used in legal parlance more than regular speaking. It is a situation which is true but has not been legally recognized or accepted in general. The literary origin comes from the time frame of 1595 to 1605. It is phrase which can be applied to everything that has substance but lacks a formal induction in the society. For example – a de facto government is one which operates like a regular government would but does not have the same social status or official recognition.

Share your opinions1 Opinion

I’ve been lonokig for a post like this for an age

‒ Margaretta February 8, 2016

What's on your mind?
