come full circle


come full circle


  • completion of the cycle.
  • get back to the situation or position that you started after a long period of experiencing changes.
  • return to an earlier position or decision.
  • to get back to a position or condition of the past, mostly in a form that was thought to be inevitable.
  • to get to the original state of affairs or position.
  • to get back to a similar or original position, circumstance, or situation where something or someone began.

Example Sentences

  1. I was wearing such a dress some 40 years ago. Fashion’s wheel has come full circle.
  2. If you look at this product properly, you will be convinced that it has come full circle in its design.
  3. Even though the family had sold the house ages ago, life has come full circle seeing that it is one of their grandchildren that lives there
  4. In college, I worked in the kitchen, and after I came full circle, I’m now the lead chef in my restaurant.
  5. After changing a couple of jobs in the last three years, Jane has come full circle in her first company job.


Most theories postulate that the phrase “come full circle” originates inĀ King Lear, a play by William Shakespeare. In the fifth chapter, the third verse, he says, “The wheel has come full circle.” In this instance, he was talking of Fortuna, who was the mythical goddess in charge of Fortune, where she was credited with turning the Wheel of Fortune. Since then, the phrase has been used to describe a case where things come to an end just like they began and events complete their course. The phrase might also be used in reference to the medieval concept of the constantly turning wheel of fortune, in such a manner that individuals who experienced good luck in some part of their lives will experience bad luck at other times.

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