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shrinking violet

Meaning: typically refers to a person who is shy, timid, or reserved in social situations.

Example: Avril is such a shrinking violet at parties; she always sticks to the sidelines and rarely speaks up. Read more ➺

tar with the same brush

Meaning: unfairly associate someone with others who share negative characteristics or behaviors.

Example: Hey, don't tar all politicians with the same brush; some are genuinely working for positive change. Read more ➺

green around the gills

Meaning: someone who looks sick or nauseated.

Example: The sight of blood always makes her go green around the gills. Read more ➺


Meaning: a new or inexperienced person.

Example: My dad is a greenhorn when it comes to computers. Read more ➺


Meaning: used to describe a cowardly and weak person.

Example: There is no place for a lily-livered soldier in The United States Army. Read more ➺

red flag

Meaning: a sign of a particular issue requiring attention.

Example: United, American, and Delta airlines suspended all flights to China. This was a red flag as the coronavirus wreaked havoc on the airline industry. Read more ➺

in the pink

Meaning: in good health and spirits.

Example: As a famous president, he has the perfect reason to be in the pink. Read more ➺

between the devil and the deep blue sea

Meaning: between two equally difficult or unacceptable choices.

Example: I am in a pickle. Anything I do is going to cause this situation to turn out bad. I'm really stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea. Read more ➺

red zone

Meaning: any geographical area that is thought to be dangerous or threatening, usually as a consequence of political or military activity.

Example: The alley behind the schoolyard is effectively a "red zone," since that is where all of the bullies hang out. Read more ➺

red book

Meaning: any document or publication, which is bound in red and serves as an official collection of rules, regulations, laws, or legal principles.

Example: any document or publication, which is bound in red and serves as an official collection of rules, regulations, laws, or legal principles. Read more ➺
