bite the dust


bite the dust


  • to fall to the ground
  • to die (possibly in battle)
  • to suffer a defeat
  • to disintegrate

Example Sentences

  1. The soldier bit the dust after a very long fight and even at that he managed to take many enemy soldiers with him.
  2. I am not going to bite the dust so easily because throughout my life I have been a fighter.
  3. Rose understands that taking this challenge could lead to her biting the dust and hence refrained from even the conversation.
  4. The sheriff is not going to bite the dust so easily. He has seen many such goons in his career.
  5. One of the gladiators would bite the dust at the end of the competition and that is how a winner would be decided.
  6. Uncle Tom only stopped working when he bit the dust.
  7. You will only understand the importance of having your family close by when you have to bite the dust. Until then they will remain worthless to you.
  8. One of the main reasons that he bit the dust so early in his career was because of his inflated ego.


The phrase originated as for tasting dust on the battle field but is currently used positively as well as negatively.

Share your opinions1 Opinion

It’s in Homer’s Iliad, more than once. “The ground rose up to meet him and he bit the dust,” or words to that effect, if I remember correctly.

‒ Steve Durfee June 24, 2021

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